123sonography launches e-learning platform for physicians

Aside from the plethora of startups targeting web-savvy end-consumers, there’s also little known companies that are equally relevant in their particular niche. And whenever there are entrepreneurs building ideas they often (or ideally) do this out of a desire to scratch a personal itch, as is the case of 123sonography, which provides a comprehensive e-learning experience for physicians and specifically cardiologists.

Launched a couple of days ago, 123sonography’s CEO Dr. Franz Wiesbauer, a cardiologist at the Medical University of Vienna himself, says that they have already “developed, produced and recorded hundreds of videos, enabling any kind of doctor to acquire the knowledge of echocardiography”.

Currently the startup has a prominent blog, which offers a wide variety of echocardiographic e-learning videos for free. However, eventually they are going to charge for content.

The math is simple: A regular offline course in echocardiography costs around €2,000 and there’s an average waiting time of 3 months in Austria and many other European countries. The service’s online courses are cheaper and there’s obviously no waiting time.

A service such as this is a relatively new development in terms of e-health. A very targeted group of people that are willing to pay for high-definition video-based online classes.

The company is currently in talks with health-orientated VCs and plans to expand its service throughout Europe and the US.